Yogyakarta – The Center for Human Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM in collaboration with the Indonesian Collaborative Research Team (RKI) 2021 held an online Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Training on 17 February 2021. The event was attended by 29 participants from 4 universities that are members of the 2021 RKI, namely Airlangga University, Gadjah Mada University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, and Bandung Institute of Technology. The activity was held at 09.00-11.30 WIB with Dr. Ricvan Dana Nindrea, SKM., M.Kes from Andalas University as the keynote speaker.
This activity was aimed to increase the capacity of researchers and to promote the secondary data-based research, one of which was to carry out systematic reviews and meta-analyzes. The event was begun by speeches from Dr. Siti Helmyati, DCN., M.Kes as the chairperson of the Center for Human Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM and Trias Mahmudiono S.KM, MPH (Nutr.), GCAS, Ph.D., from Airlangga University as Chairperson of the RKI Team. After that, the keynote speaker delivered a presentation explaining the overview of systematic review and meta-analysis, the differences, the steps of writing, and tips for writing a systematic review and meta-analysis. He also demonstrated how to conduct meta-analyzes using the RevMan software.
The keynote speaker are experienced in writing systematic reviews and meta-analyzes. The presentation was delivered well. The discussion and sharing session was exciting and insightful.
Regarding the enthusiasm and emerging ideas from this training, CH2N, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM as a training organizer planned to hold similar training with more in-depth materials. Participants were expected to immediately practice writing systematic reviews and meta-analyzes together in the training session. Thus, the outputs can be used by participants after the training.
Collaborative activities involving various universities, such as this training, must be held periodically. The diversity of universities are expected to provide various points of view in solving nutritional problems for both mothers and children in Indonesia.