Yogyakarta, Center for Human Health and Nutrition (PKGM), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Gizi Gama held a Nutrigenetic Pre-Course with the theme “Knowing Nutrigenetics and How to Apply It to Nutrition / Dietetic Services” on Saturday, March 6, 2021, 09.00 – 11.00 WIB online via zoom and live streaming on YouTube. This event is free and open to the public and is attended by ± 200 participants. The activity took place from 09.00 – 11.00 WIB presenting resource persons Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, S.Gz, M.Sc, RD as Founder of Gizi Gama and Lecturer of the Department of Nutrition, FK-KMK UGM.
This training was conducted to initiate a series of Nutrigenetic training which took place on March 17 – April 10, 2021. With this Pre-Course, it was hoped that participants would be able to better prepare for future training. The event was opened by Dr. Siti Helmyati, DCN., M.Kes as Chairman of the Center for Human Health and Nutrition, FK-KMK UGM.
This meeting discussed 4 things, namely 1) Regarding the early history of research related to nutrition, how then do experts have the concept that what we eat can indeed have an impact on our health, but a person’s response to food can vary because this is influenced by genetic factors, 2) Nutrigenetic Concept, 3) Personalized Nutrition Service Providers, and 4) Some examples of cases or results of research conducted at UGM that can support a genetically based nutrition service model.
“The field of nutrition is a field that continues to develop in line with technological developments in the fields of medicine and health. It is time for us to step into a new era where nutrition can use existing technology, namely genetic technology, and how we can use it to improve the quality of our services as nutritionists. This meeting is one way that we can embrace an era where understanding genetics can help better nutrition services, “said Harry Freitag.
See you at the next training 🙂