Yogyakarta, Center for Human Health and Nutrition (PKGM), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Gizi Gama held an Intensive Online Training with the theme “Nutrigenetic Applications for Nutritionists and Dietitians” on March 17, 2021, to April 10, 2021 (Every Wednesday & Saturday) online via Zoom. This event was attended by 54 participants from hospitals, clinics, universities, and private institutions. The activity takes place from 09.00 – 11.00 WIB for each meeting by presenting resource persons Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, S.Gz, M.Sc, RD as Founder of Gizi Gama and Lecturer of the Department of Health Nutrition FK-KMK UGM.
This activity is carried out with the aim of providing training on nutritional applications for nutritionists and dietitians and providing information on personalized recommendations for macro and micronutrients. In this class, there are 7 topics of discussion, namely 1) Introduction to Nutrigenetics: The concept of using genetic data for nutritional and dietetic management; 2) Personalized recommendation for Protein and Energy; 3) Personalized recommendation for fats (saturated fat, Omega 3, MUFA); 4) Personalized recommendation for Carbohydrates (Glycemic Index, lactose, gluten & coffee); 5) Personalized recommendation for Vitamins A, B, and C; 6) Personalized recommendation for Vitamins D and E; and 7) Personalized recommendation for iron, calcium, and sodium.
The discussion topics were very interesting as well as clear explanations by sources who were experts in the field of nutrition so that the delivery of the material was easily understood by the participants. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participants added color to this class. There were lots of questions asked by the participants and feedback from the speakers so that in this training there was a 2-way discussion. Interestingly, this class also explains which sites can be used to update or find the latest information about nutrigenetics.
“Hopefully the material presented can be useful and can provide changes in both personal and nutritional services in the future. The hope is that we as a nation can develop not only in health services but also in the biotech industry, not only for people with high income, but also for people with middle income as well as people who are aware of health, “said Harry Freitag.
greetings always healthy 🙂