Infectious diseases are one of the factors that affect a person’s nutritional status, both children and adults. Nutritional status has an influence on the immune system and the healing process. A person with a poor or even poor nutritional status is more at risk of developing various diseases and the healing time tends to be slower. Someone who is infected with an infectious disease needs more nutritional intake but has a problem, namely a decreased appetite. This can lead to weight loss and worsening nutritional status (Putri,2015).
We really need a variety of foods because there is no single type of food that contains complete nutrition except breast milk. For example, rice is a major source of calories, but is poor in vitamins and minerals; vegetables and fruits are generally rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but poor in calories and protein; fish is a major source of protein but few calories. Therefore, consuming a variety of foods is absolutely necessary for us to keep our bodies healthy.
In the principle of consuming diverse foods, the proportion of food consumed must also be considered so that it is balanced, in sufficient quantities, not excessive, and carried out regularly. The variety of foods in balanced nutrition is clearly shown in the ”tumpeng gizi seimbang” or Healthy Food Pyramid. “Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang” consists of several tumpeng pieces: one large slice, two medium pieces, two small pieces, and at the top there are the smallest pieces. The width of the tumpeng pieces indicates the portion of food that each person should consume per day.
The Center for Human Health and Nutrition opens internship opportunities for alumni of the Health Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program, FK-KMK, Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta – The Center for Human Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM in collaboration with the Indonesian Collaborative Research Team (RKI) 2021 held an online Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Training on 17 February 2021. The event was attended by 29 participants from 4 universities that are members of the 2021 RKI, namely Airlangga University, Gadjah Mada University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, and Bandung Institute of Technology. The activity was held at 09.00-11.30 WIB with Dr. Ricvan Dana Nindrea, SKM., M.Kes from Andalas University as the keynote speaker.
In commemoration of the 61st National Nutrition Day, the Center for Health and Human Nutrition FK-KMK UGM – Puskesmas Seyegan held Community Service at Posyandu “TERATAI” Klangkap II, Kapanewon, Seyegan on January 30, 2021 at 10:00 – 11:00 WIB.
In this event, Dr. Siti Helmyati, as the Chairperson of PKGM, provides education to the local community to support stunting prevention programs and implement good nutritional behavior in everyday life. In addition, Mrs. Lely Lusmilasari, S.Kp., M.Kes., Ph.D., also provided education about the importance of stimuli to support children’s growth and development. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. BJ. Istiti Kandarina as vice chairperson of CH2N and Mr. Jumarko, S.Gz as nutritionist at Puskesmas Seyegan also attended this event.
Nutrigenetics is a branch of knowledge of nutrition that studies human genetic and uses it as a basis for nutritional and dietetic management to achieve desired health outcomes. Nutrigenetics has developed and been manifested in personal diet recommendations (personalized nutrition). Studying nutrigenetics is important for nutritionists and dietitians in Indonesia since it helps them providing dietary recommendation based on individual characteristics. Thus, the Center for Health and Human Nutrition, FK-KMK UGM will conduct online training of application of nutrigenetics for nutritionists and dietitians.
Do you want to know the state of the art of nutrigenetics? For you, nutritionist, dietitian, and other healthcare provider, this training is right for you!
Register Now!
Online Intensive Training
“Application of Nutrigenetics for Nutritionists and Dietitians”
Keynote speaker: Harry Freitag Luglio Muhammad, S.Gz., M.Sc., RD.
Lecturer of Nutrition and Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM
PhD candidate of Maastricht University
Don’t miss the chance!