Profile of Center for Health and Human Nutrition (CH2N)
Center for Health and Human Nutrition was established on July 30, 2000 based on The Decree of Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada number: UGM/KU/2815/UM/01/39. This study center was formed to help creating innovations in education, research, and community service related to nutrition and health. As a unit of Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, UGM, CH2N carries out the mandate of study center, which is conducting researches in nutrition and health. Those researches involve multidisciplinary science and knowledge, such as nutrition and food technology, internal medicine, pediatric, public health, obstetrics and gynecology, and biochemistry.
Functions of Center for Health and Human Nutrition (CH2N)
CH2N’s functions are conducting researches and trainings related to nutrition and collaborating with public and private agencies. Those functions involve:
- Conducting researches about health status assessment, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, institutional nutrition, and epidemiological studies
- Conducting health program evaluation
- Encouraging the researchers of CH2N to conduct researches
- Developing educational media of nutrition and health
- Conducting seminars and workshops
- Conducting trainings