Stunting is one of the outcomes of nutritional status which is determined by measuring the body length of children aged 0-24 months according to their age (PB/U z-score). More in-depth examination can be done by assessing the cognitive and emotional level of the child. Untreated stunting might have a big negative impact, such as stunted growth, sub-optimal cognitive development, getting sick easily, and low productivity as adults.
This year, the Center for Health and Human Nutrition (CH2N) FK-KMK UGM developed a measuring tool for body length and early detection of stunting or called GAMA-KiDS. The Stunting Detection Kit (GAMA KiDS) is an innovative tool for measuring body length and early detection of stunting for children aged 0-24 months (Baduta). GAMA-KiDS is expected to make it easier for cadres at Posyandu (family planning center) to measure body length as well as to detect whether toddlers are classified as stunting or not.
The Stunting Detection Kit (GAMA-KiDS) consists of:
- Body Length Mat
- Nutritional Status Discs
- User Manual
The Stunting Detection Kit (GAMA-KiDS) has been tested on baduta subjects at the Posyandu Dukuh Kamal Wetan, Sleman Regency, DI Yogyakarta; Meunasah Lhee Village, Pidie District, Aceh; and Katingan District, Central Kalimantan. Currently GAMA-KiDS is in the process of patent registration with registration number P00202004432. In addition, the research team also produced a video guide to the use of GAMA-KiDS which has obtained a Copyright certificate with registration number 000191694.
Stunting indirectly contributes to the level of welfare of the Indonesian people. One of the ways to prevent and treat stunting is Early Detection.