Getting to Know Detection, Impact, and Prevention of Stunting

Stunting is one of the chronic nutritional problems in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is quite high, ranked number 2 in Southeast Asia (1). Based on Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence is 30.8% and it is estimated to decrease to 26.92% in 2020 (2, 3). However, this figure is still within the upper threshold for stunting prevalence which is 20% set by WHO. This is an important problem that needs to be addressed together either by the government or by the community.

Stunting or short toddlers is a condition of failure to thrive that occurs in children under five due to chronic malnutrition, especially in the period of the First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK) (4). Stunting conditions are generally caused by low nutritional intake and health status for a long time, lack of access to sanitation and clean water resulting in repeated infections, and inadequate parenting (4). read more